Thursday, 26 January 2012

Louis Anquetin and the Woman on the Champs-Élysées

Het Van Gogh Museum heeft het schilderij Vrouw op de Champs-Élysées bij nacht (ca. 1891) van Louis Anquetin (1861-1932) aangekocht. Deze aankoop was mede mogelijk door de steun van de BankGiro Loterij, de Vereniging Rembrandt (mede dankzij het Prins Bernh ...

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'Woman on the Champs-Élysées by night' (1891) by Louis Anquetin;
Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Ever since the Van Gogh Museum acquired the painting 'Woman on the Champs-Élysées by night' by French painter Louis Anquetin (born on 26 January 1861), I have loved this painting and every time I visit the Van Gogh Museum I go up to the third floor and admire it once more. I kept forgetting the name of the artist though and kept asking my sister, who works at the museum. Now I'm sure I will always remember Anquetin's name. He was among the same circle of artists as Vincent van Gogh and Émile Bernard. This particular painting shows the nocturnal side of Paris and keeps captivating me. You want to know where this woman is headed to and the movements in the background give me the impression that she's in a hurry. The Parisian art critics praised the work at the time and you can see why.

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