Monday, 24 September 2012

Robert Lefèvre and Woman With A Lyre

' Woman With A Lyre' (1808) by Robert Lefèvre; Private Collection?

Sometimes it's not so bad when there's not much to choose from. I found this painting by French painter Robert Lefèvre, born on 24 September 1755, very quickly. Lefèvre worked as a law clerk before turning to painting. He established a reputation quite quickly and made a name with religious and history paintings. He was influenced by Jacques-Louis David, which is evident, and his work was also being compared to David's. Under Napoleon's reign, he became a portrait painter of the Emperor and his family. I really like today's painting and the depiction of the white blouse, the fabric, and the detail of the button on the sleeve. I didn't find the painting's location but in 2008, it had been put up for auction at Christie's, see details here (listed as Portrait of a Lady).

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